Wednesday, October 19, 2022

“My Year Through the Word”—One Woman’s Story

Hello Through the Word Family, even those cheering on the San Diego Padres. Well done against the Dodgers, but I'm still going to root for the Phillies (Although Kris is VERY happy about the Padres!)

I wanted to share a story with you from our TTW Family.  We love to hear from you all! Our feedback link is below; please reach out to us!

Flourishing in the Word

At the beginning of 2021, I was halfway through medical school and drowning in depression and suicidal ideations. Every day I woke up and I was struggling, hating my life. Nothing was wrong with me; my grades were up, I had friends, I had a place to lay my head and yet I was drowning. There was this hole in my heart and I didn’t know what (or who) went in there. 
And then I found Through the Word. I tell everyone I know that God was smiling on me the day I found this. 
For the next month, it was a lot of soul searching, a lot of tears, and a lot of struggling with God and in March of 2021, my heart was broken—I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.
To be honest, there wasn’t an immediate change in my thinking. I wouldn’t say everything in my heart fell into place at that moment, but there was a change I couldn’t describe. Over the next couple of months, as I combed through Scripture (with TTW as a guide), my heart changed.
It’s been a bit over a year and a half now and I can say, nothing compares to the sweetness of knowing Jesus. Every day I wake up and I want to know more about God; I want to experience the God that I read on the pages of this Bible. 
I never thought I would say this again but I have joy. Turns out who I was looking for was the God of the Bible. 
I’m in Journey 8 right now, and I thank Pastor Kris, Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Peyton, Pastor Bill, Pastor Sandy, and Pastor Skip. You are in my prayers often and on this Pastor’s appreciation month, I thank you for answering the call that God put on your life. 
God saved my life, physically and spiritually and I am thankful for the part you played in that. 
I know that God didn’t promise me a smooth journey, but I know that as long as I hold on to God and my roots continue to grow in the foundation of Christ; and in the faith, no matter what comes my way, as long as I have Him, I have more than enough, more than I deserve.


We'd love to know how journeying Through the Word has impacted your life this year. Please share your "My Year Through the Word" story at



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