Thursday, September 26, 2019

TTW 3.0 is Almost Here!! Get a Sneak Peak...

Hello Through the Word! Pastor Kris here with some big news...

We're on final countdown to our biggest update in years. TTW 3.0 is due for release in the next two weeks. And it - is - awesome. The new Through the Word is clean, intuitive, and beautiful. It’s easier to start, easier to use, and a huge step forward for our ministry. Check out a few sneak-peak images of the new app below, and don't forget - we're still sending TTW water bottles out to everyone who starts donating or moves there donation over to our new donation site at More info on that below. Please pray for us as we countdown to launch. Can't wait for you guys to see it!
 - Pastor Kris

Clean New Interface
Easier to Navigate
Auto-Play is Here!

How to get your TTW Water Bottle
Don't forget, we're sending a TTW water bottle to everyone who gives on the new site at If you haven't given before, just follow the link and get started. If you had monthly gift set automatically on the old Mogiv site, you'll have to cancel that one and start a new one. We've got simple directions and the whole story here:

Note: 270 water bottles already went out. The net batch is going out in the next two weeks!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

New Guides! Deuteronomy, Ecclesiastes & More!

Hi there TTW! Pastor Kris here with more exciting news. We have a bunch of new audio guides!

Okay, this is my favorite kind of news. There's a bunch of new stuff on the way, but the heart of everything we do is the audio guides. And my favorite part of work is getting back in the studio to record new ones. Plus Peyton Jones and Jonathan Ferguson are recording even more!
Back in the studio! (With my TTW water bottle of course)
I'm so excited about these. And our huge thanks and gratitude to all our sponsor-a-chapter donors who make these possible. You guys rock! (And don't forget - everyone who donates on the new gets a TTW water bottle - more info here on how to move your donation to ChurchCenter and get your TTW water bottle! First batch is going out this week!).

So here's what we're working on, and where to find it:

Available Now!
  • Deuteronomy (Peyton Jones): Moses' final message to the Israelites is a grand reminder of God's faithfulness behind and promises ahead - along with a full review of God's law. Peyton delivers clear explanation and deep insight with his down to earth style. I'm listening every morning and loving it! 
  • Ecclesiastes Update + B-sides (Kris Langham): It's the Bible's philosophy book - and I love it. So I had to go back and rewrite the guides. If you heard my original - they were just 4 minutes each, and I was still learning how to do this way back when. The update has a full 9 minutes for each chapter, plus a special B-side series that explains modern (and postmodern) philosophies and compares them with scripture. 
  • More Recording Updates (Kris Langham): So here's what happened. I listened to some of my oldest recordings, and I thought - I've gotten better at this. So I decided it's finally time to update them. I rerecorded Ruth, 2nd Corinthians, and Malachi, and I have more on the way. The content has just a few updates - but the delivery is way better. (If you heard 2nd Corinthians with a few editing blunders - sorry about that. We're fixing it!). 
Coming Very Soon:
  • Jonah - Kris Langham
  • Joshua - Peyton Jones
  • Exodus - Kris Langham & Jonathan Ferguson
  • 1 & 2 Peter - Jonathan Ferguson
  • Jude - Jonathan Ferguson
In the studio for the Sole Podcast (coming in October!)
Added Earlier this Year:
  • Titus - Peyton Jones
  • Philemon - Kris Langham
  • Ephesians - Kris Langham
  • Daniel Update - Kris Langham

Sole Podcast Logo Contest follow up...
We've got the entries. We'll post them on Facebook and Instagram later this week. Winner will be announced here next week.