Monday, October 24, 2022

Halloween - All Tricks or All Treats?

Hello, Through the Word Family! I hope you are doing well, especially those already getting snow! Sorry, you guys seem to have skipped straight from Summer to Winter, missing the most incredible season of all - Fall!

Can a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

We’re just a week away from Halloween, the official start of the holiday season.  After Halloween, we only have 24 days until Thanksgiving and 55 days until Christmas!

But before we get into those holidays, let's talk about Halloween a little. I know that Halloween can be controversial with Christians.  After all, isn’t it just a celebration of evil and darkness? Well, Halloween’s origins might surprise you.  

Many Christians celebrate All Saint’s Day on November 1, also called All Hallows Day. It’s a day to thank God for his faithfulness to all believers that have died. It’s a celebration that our loved ones who have died in the faith are resting in the presence of God! 

The day before (October 31) was called All Hallow’s Eve, which was later shortened–to Halloween. Unfortunately, the day's original meaning has been lost, and many in the world have focused not on celebrating the faithfulness of God to the dead but instead on death itself.  So, how should a Christian view Halloween? Is it a day to celebrate or ignore completely?

I think we can find an answer to this in 1 Corinthians 8. The church in Corinth was a pretty messy place.  One of the issues dividing the church was eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols in the pagan temples.  Some Christians were perfectly fine eating this meat because they knew the pagan gods weren’t real.  They would get their meat, usually at a lower price, and thank God for their food.

Other Christians, however, saw this as an absolute sin.  Pauls says, “But some, through former association with idols, eat food as really offered to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled” (1 Corinthians 8:7). Having come out of idolatry, every time they saw that meat it was a reminder of their old sinful lives. 

So how does this relate to Halloween? Well, if you feel the candy your neighbor is handing out is unclean because of the skeleton decorations hanging outside, then for you, it is! Don’t participate! Paul writes in Romans 14:23, “But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.”

But if you feel it’s okay for your kids to dress up as Captain America or a bowl of ramen (one of the best costumes I ever saw), then go for it! And make sure you collect the candy tax from your kid's goodie bags.  And feel free to send me any of the Reese’s you get. 

But here is the vital thing to remember–your righteousness is not determined by whether you participate in Halloween or not.  We are saved by the work of Christ alone (Acts 4:12), not by observing or abstaining from holidays (Colossians 2:16). Christians that take their kids trick-or-treating are still Christians. And Christians that stay home and ignore the doorbell are also Christians.  So don’t look down at each other. We are going to spend a long time together in Heaven, where we will forever be celebrating God’s faithfulness to us all. 

We are going to be discussing this more on social media this week, so if you aren’t already, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

God Bless!

Pastor Jonathan

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

“My Year Through the Word”—One Woman’s Story

Hello Through the Word Family, even those cheering on the San Diego Padres. Well done against the Dodgers, but I'm still going to root for the Phillies (Although Kris is VERY happy about the Padres!)

I wanted to share a story with you from our TTW Family.  We love to hear from you all! Our feedback link is below; please reach out to us!

Flourishing in the Word

At the beginning of 2021, I was halfway through medical school and drowning in depression and suicidal ideations. Every day I woke up and I was struggling, hating my life. Nothing was wrong with me; my grades were up, I had friends, I had a place to lay my head and yet I was drowning. There was this hole in my heart and I didn’t know what (or who) went in there. 
And then I found Through the Word. I tell everyone I know that God was smiling on me the day I found this. 
For the next month, it was a lot of soul searching, a lot of tears, and a lot of struggling with God and in March of 2021, my heart was broken—I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.
To be honest, there wasn’t an immediate change in my thinking. I wouldn’t say everything in my heart fell into place at that moment, but there was a change I couldn’t describe. Over the next couple of months, as I combed through Scripture (with TTW as a guide), my heart changed.
It’s been a bit over a year and a half now and I can say, nothing compares to the sweetness of knowing Jesus. Every day I wake up and I want to know more about God; I want to experience the God that I read on the pages of this Bible. 
I never thought I would say this again but I have joy. Turns out who I was looking for was the God of the Bible. 
I’m in Journey 8 right now, and I thank Pastor Kris, Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Peyton, Pastor Bill, Pastor Sandy, and Pastor Skip. You are in my prayers often and on this Pastor’s appreciation month, I thank you for answering the call that God put on your life. 
God saved my life, physically and spiritually and I am thankful for the part you played in that. 
I know that God didn’t promise me a smooth journey, but I know that as long as I hold on to God and my roots continue to grow in the foundation of Christ; and in the faith, no matter what comes my way, as long as I have Him, I have more than enough, more than I deserve.


We'd love to know how journeying Through the Word has impacted your life this year. Please share your "My Year Through the Word" story at



Monday, October 10, 2022

Share An Audio Guide—With Anyone!

Welcome Through the Word Family! Pumpkins Spice Lattes are back, the weather is getting cooler, and leaves are falling from the trees…You know what that means–The MLB playoffs are here! Whether you are already disappointed or are still cheering on the next World Series Champions (Let’s go Dodgers!), it’s a great month for sports!

Share the Audio Guides – With Anyone!

Want to share an AMAZING Audio Guide you just listened to with a friend that absolutely needs to hear it, but they don’t have the TTW app? Well, we’ve got you covered!

Okay, back in July we announced the ability to share any of our audio guides with your friends. If you remember, I got a little excited about sharing it with you. (It was also nation blueberry day and national freezer pop day, so it could have also been the sugar rush from the blueberry freezer pops…) But I am excited to share our new and improved share feature!

On the playlist for your plan, swipe right on the Audio Guide you want to share, and the share icon will pop up. You can share the Audio Guide across all of your social media platforms! You can also share an entire Journey or Plan by tapping the three dots in the upper right corner of and Plan.

And what’s even better now–the link you share is a dynamic link! When your friend clicks on the link, it will take them right to the audio guide in the Through the Word App! 

Now back to the question earlier. What if they don’t have the Through the Word App? The link will open on their web browser with an audio player, a description of the app, and download links for the Apple Store and Google Play! 

Now you can share the TTW app with a simple text message! 

Text Genesis 1 to your sister asking about Creation and Evolution!

WhatsApp the Anxiety Plan to your friend halfway around the world!

Tweet the Book of Matthew to the entire world!

Sorry, still excited about this sharing feature (and no, I didn’t have any blueberry freezer pops today). I just get excited about all the possibilities with this. 

Text out daily audio guides to your youth groups.

Share the Faith Journey as an evangelistic tool.

Share an Audio Guide to your Life group discussing the chapter you are discussing that week.

Send a word of encouragement to anyone, anywhere.

God Bless You All,


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Pastor Appreciation Month!

 Hello TTW Family! Hope you are having a great week, even if you are a Broncos fan and are dealing with Raiders fans after the terrible loss on Sunday.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and this Sunday, October 9th, is Pastor Appreciation Day! It’s a day to show your gratitude for all your pastor has done this last year.  And believe me, the last few years have been tough on pastors.  So make sure you take the time to show some love to your pastors!

Here are some ways you can encourage your pastor this week.

Send a card. Pastors hear a lot of bad news. Some of it comes with the job–calls from the emergency room or people needing counseling.  A handwritten note in a card can go a long way to encourage your pastor.

Send them on a date with their spouse. Pastors can be quite busy–often late into the night! Give them a gift card for a local restaurant and encourage them to take their spouse out for a night away from ministry.

Send them a funny meme. Try to find a meme or joke that illustrates a point from Sunday’s sermon.  It can give them a good laugh, and let them know you were listening!

Fund their library. Find out if there are any books they have been wanting, and order them from Amazon.

Help them give your church a Bible habit. Let them know about and Through the Word can help a congregation develop a deep Bible-reading habit. Using Through the Word plans on the new YouVersion for Churches platform can get your church on a reading plan together. Connect around the daily audio guides with in-app conversation by selecting the option to start a plan with friends.

Alright, Family. Your mission, should you choose to accept (and I hope you do!), is to encourage your pastor this week.  Believe me, it will go a long way! 

God Bless!
