Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Got a Story to Share?

Share your TTW Stories!

One of our favorite things about what we do is hearing the stories of people whose lives have been changed because of Through the Word. We have heard from so many of our Through the Word family over the years - and I'll tell you - it never gets old. 

During our weekly team meetings, we will share a story or two with the entire group. It has become one of the highlights of our meetings! 

Why do I bring this up? Well, we love your stories so much that we want to hear more! And we made it easy for you to share your stories! Simply send your story to We want to hear from you and would love to share your story with the world. There is nothing greater than an amazing testimony - so send them in! Again -

New King James Coming Soon!

We are still finishing the coding necessary to bring the New King James to the app - hopefully, we will have good news for you next week.  Stay tuned!

God Bless!


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