Friday, April 23, 2021

TTW Team Member Updates and News

We don’t do this often, but you are like family to us, and I just love sharing good news here in our family.

Earlier this week we congratulated Peyton Jones on his new book Church Plantology, and today, we have exciting news about three other TTW team members!

Noah and Daisy – Graduation Caps and Baby Clothes!

Noah Short completed his bachelor’s degree in business analytics at Grand Canyon University and celebrated his graduation this week. Noah is our production manager and data analyst here at TTW. Fantastic team member - and also happens to be my son-in-law. Which brings me to our next team member news - Noah’s wife - my daughter - Daisy Short - also graduated from GCU with her bachelor's in music and worship arts - from the theology department. She actually finished back in 2020 - and finally got her graduation ceremony this week! 

I know there are lots more of you students out there graduating in the next couple of months. Congrats to all of you – along with Noah and Daisy.

Daisy worked as an audio editor for us and also at our customer relations desk but is taking a break from all of that because–news number three–Noah and Daisy are having a baby! Their first–and my first grandchild–is due this summer. I can’t even tell you how excited we are. Huge congrats on double graduation and on the baby. So awesome. So much good news. 

Kaleb – Leaving on a Jet Plane – to Kenya!

This news comes from my son, Kaleb Langham. Now, just to clarify, most of our team members are not my kids, but Kaleb was in fact our very first paid employee here when we first launched. I paid him to post to our website every day. He was 11 at the time and since then he has worked a variety of jobs for us, currently editing our audio guides. Well, Kaleb is in college now at Bethany Global University – studying theology and intercultural studies. Bethany Global is a missions preparation program, and Kaleb has heard God’s call to a lifetime dedicated to missions. Now his news is his next big step in his road of preparation: a 16-month Global Internship program beginning this fall. He will be serving the Lord at a mission base in Kenya, where he will have the opportunity to work alongside and learn from long-term missionaries, study the local language and culture, work with local ministries and do outreach, continue taking college courses online, and train in team development.

So please pray for Kaleb as he takes his next steps of faith to serve God overseas. For more information about his mission and how you can support him, click here or reach out to him at

Thant’s it for the TTW Team Member Update! Let us know what YOU are celebrating in your family!

Pastor Kris 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Check Out this Awesome Church Planting Book by Peyton Jones!

 Hello Through the Word Listeners! We have exciting news to share with you today!

Church Plantology by Peyton Jones

TTW Teacher Peyton Jones has just released his third book on church planting and leadership - Church Plantology - The Art and Science of Planting Churches. 

Now I have to say upfront, I am partial to Peyton's books - Church Zero revealed gaps in my understanding of church leadership, and Reaching the Unreached helped me change my discipleship model to create disciples rather than converts. So when I got a chance to get my hands on a copy of Church Plantology - I was super excited. I was involved in a church plant in Kenya, so I was also a little timid going in - I mean, Jones' other books rocked me out of my comfort zone--would this do the same with church planting?

Jones doesn't disappoint. Most church planting books focus either on the theological ideas of church planting, or are filled with stories of how a particular church started. But Plantology combines scriptural truth, examples from church history, and missionary practices from around the world in a unique way to help church planters succeed. 

As a missionary at heart, I was excited to see Jones discussing best missionary practices in the context of church planting. As more people in our community identify as Nones--those having no faith tradition--the church's culture is foreign to our communities. To reach the lost, we need to know the culture. Study it. Go out into it--not being polluted by it, but actively seeking the lost. As Jones says, 

To be a church planter and properly exegete your city, you will require a special set of skills. The planter must observe the culture, or they cannot understand it. Once the planter understands the culture, they can intelligently speak to it. 

Church Plantology, pg 230

Church Plantology is a must-read for anyone involved with church planting --from those on the front lines to the people supporting them prayerfully and financially. If you have a desire to see your community transformed by the power of Christ, grab a copy of Church Plantology today!

Grace and Peace, 

Jonathan Ferguson

Purchase Your Copy of Church Plantology Today!

Purchase Church Plantology at Amazon
Purchase Church Plantology at Audible
Purchase Church Plantology at Barnes and Noble
Purchase Church Plantology at

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Eight New Audio Guide Plans - Available Now!

Hello Through the Word family! We have some exciting news for you all whop are journeying with us Through the Word!

New Plans Available

We have been busy studying, writing, recording editing and posting new plans for the App! In fact, since our last update, we have posted 8 new plans!

Marriage Plans

In our last plan update, we shared that Kris was busy recording a couple short plans on marriage, and we are excited to share that we have posted two more marriage plans! Marriage Talks Part 3 | Covenant is a six day journey through the Bible on the beauty of the covenant promises of marriage. Marriage Talks Part 4 | Making it Last is a seven day plan on how to help your marriage endure until the end. 

Anxiety - Part 2

Pastor Kris has also been busy working on other plans as well! Our Bible Basics | Anxiety plan was so well received, Kris went back into the studio to record more! Bible Basic | Anxiety (Part 2) is a five-day journey through Philippians, focusing on rejoicing in the Lord, contentment, and the secret of the Joy Killers.

Bible Explained Plans

Since our last update, we have added some more audio guides in the Old Testament. Peyton Jones returns with the book of 2 Kings, wrapping up the story of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Jonathan Ferguson has been busy recording in the Minor Prophets, with Amos, Obadiah, and Joel available now, and Habakkuk, Micah, and Zephaniah coming soon. Jonathan has also recorded the epic story of Esther!

All of these plans (and any new plans that come out) can be found in the"New and Updated" section of the Browse Page on the Through the Word App. Check them out, and let us know what you think!

Grace and Peace!

Jonathan Ferguson