Hello to the entire TTW family, including those whose flights were delayed or canceled when traveling home from your celebrations! (Our flight was delayed three times!)
Start a Habit!
Let’s be honest. We have all made New Year’s resolutions, but many of us have also failed at them. The number one reason given for dropping a New Year’s resolution: the lack of a plan. Life change succeeds when you set clear goals with a clear plan.
Ephesians 5 instructs us to “redeem the time” – that is – to “make the most of every opportunity.” We get exactly one shot at 2022, so make the most of it.
New Year’s is a great time to start a new Bible habit – and Through the Word has 19 journeys to help you with setting a clear goal. Pick a plan, and set a daily reminder to help you create a habit of being in the Word!
Share a Habit!
Another way to help your resolution succeed is to do it with others. Partnering with someone will help you succeed – whether losing weight, exercising more, or getting into the Bible – and will help your partner succeed as well!
So share your plans. Don’t make it a sales pitch – we get enough ads already. But share with your friends and family what you are reading and learning with Through the Word.
Also, share the updated podcast! People may not be interested in trying out a new app – but try recommending the podcast! The Through the Word podcast relaunches January 1 with Journey 1, Day 1. Each day a new episode will walk through the Bible chapter by chapter, journey by journey. It’s the exact same content you find on the app, as a podcast! The podcast follows a preset daily plan for the whole year. So for people who really like a clear, set plan, that can really help them keep that habit.

Just search for Through the Word on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Audible, Stitcher…wherever. Journey 1, on January 1.
Happy New Year’s From Our Families to Yours,
Jonathan and the TTW Team