Hey Through the Word friends - the day has arrived! TTW 3.0 is live and available now in the iOS App Store! If you have an iPhone or iPad, go to the App Store to get it
Get TTW 3.0 now in the iOS App Store! (Click Here)
Issue: TTW 3.0 does not have my plans and progress.
Solution: Not to worry, we saved your progress in 2.0, and it's an easy fix. There are two possible issues. You may have logged in with a different email. If that's the case, try the sign in with a different email that you may have used for 2.0. If that's not the issue, then you may have tapped "Sign Up" instead of "Sign In." For that issue, we will simply reset your account and start over. If you haven't done so yet, email us at
help@throughtheword.org and say "My 3.0 app doesn't have my progress." We'll send you simple directions from there.
Question: Can I still use the old TTW 2.0 version?
Answer: Yes - it's still available to you on our web app at
app.throughtheword.org. However,
once you've logged in to 3.0, any
progress that you make on 2.0 will not follow you to 3.0. The web app will look just like the old app, only in a web browser (on your mobile device or computer). Log in to your account and all of your journals and progress will still be there. We will keep it available to you as long as it keeps working, but we are not able to invest in upgrading or fixing bugs on the old app while also maintaining the new one.
Question: Can I access my prayer list from TTW 2.0?
Answer: Yes - it is also available to you on the 2.0 web app at
**app.throughtheword.org** (see answer above). We removed the prayer list from the 3.0 for the time being so that we could focus our upgrades on our core elements. We certainly want you to keep praying! However, the prayer list on the TTW app was not highly used. We are considering bringing it back in time as we find a better place to fit it in the new layout.
Question: How do I mark a chapter/day complete?
Solution: Each chapter will automatically be marked complete after the Audio Guide and Audio Bible play. You can skip that by either fast-forwarding to the end of the Audio Bible, or you can tap on the heart icon (left of play) twice (this is the sneaky way). Note: We will soon be adding a more intuitive way to mark complete by dragging the chapter right, but that is not ready just yet.
Issue: I can't get past the Welcome Back / Syncing step.
Solution: We can take care of the syncing for you on our end. If you haven't done so yet, email us at
help@throughtheword.org and say "My app won't finish syncing." We'll take care of the syncing and send you a confirmation email with simple instructions.
Issue: Text size is too small.
Solution: TTW font size can now be increased by in your iPhone or iPad Settings menu. Exit the TTW app, and go to
Settings > General > Accessibility > Larger Text, then slide the toggle to on, and adjust the size as needed. We are also planning to increase the default size of the Bible text soon. (It's a bit small - sorry about that!).
Question: Can I access my Journals on Evernote from a mobile device?
Solution: The email that we sent with directions to get your journals onto Evernote does require the use of a computer rather than a mobile device. However, you only need to use the computer
once - only for the initial transfer of journals. Once those are transferred, you will be able to use the Evernote mobile app (free) to access all your journals and create new ones. Just get the Evernote mobile app and use the same login.
Click here to get Evernote in the iOS App Store, or
click here to get Evernote for Android.
Issue: Can't pause the audio.
Solution: This issue has popped up just a few times. Thus far it appears to be fixed by closing and reopening the app (fully close by double-tapping the main phone button and swipe the app up). If that doesn't work, try to uninstall and reinstall the app (no progress will be lost). If the issue persists, please email us at
help@throughtheword.org so that we can work on a solution.
Issue: No landscape mode.
Solution: Landscape mode is definitely on our future feature list! We will be getting to it as soon as possible, but for now, unfortunately, the new app is only available in portrait mode. Since we are a very small team we couldn't put every feature into the initial launch of 3.0, but we intend to get to them!
Issue: Where are the CSB, ESV, KJV, etc?
Solution: More translations are coming back! In order to get the new app update completed, we had to simplify a few things, including some confusion with Bible translation APIs. For the moment, we just have the NIV. The good news is that we will be bringing the other Bible translations back on the app soon!
Issue: The audio automatically plays when I open a plan.
Solution: The latest version is removing that feature. Should update soon!
More common questions coming soon. Please email
help@througtheword.org with any issues or questions!
Any other troubles? Contact us at help@throughtheword.org!
Android is next! We're not playing favorites - just fixing a few tricky bugs that are showing up on older Android phones.
The new app will look different - check out some screenshots below. We included an Intro Plan to walk you around the new app layout. You'll have the same plans and same audio guides - and all your progress will follow you to 3.0.
Thanks so much to our TTW team who put in months of hard work on the big update. And thanks to everyone who gives to make everything we do possible. You guys rock. That's all for now. If you have any troubles or questions, contact us at
In Christ,
Pastor Kris
Clean New Interface |
Easier to Navigate |
Auto-Play is Here! |