Barry here. How are you all?
We need your help getting the word out about Through the Word.
How...? I hear you cry! 😩
It's pretty simple actually. Just rate us in the App Store! Ratings and reviews make a huge difference in our visibility. So if you love TTW, just use the links below to find TTW on the App Store, then rate the app and write a short review.
(Also please 🙏 give us a good review* 😉).
As we get more reviews, the app stores make TTW more visible to people searching. That means more people will join us on our journey Through the Word!
Thanks so much for helping us share the Word!
Barry Waters
*If you have problems with the app, please email rather than review. Email allows us to correspond so that we can resolve your issue and improve the app, which is much better that just complaining to the world. Just email We do our best to respond to and resolve issues promptly.