Hello TTW Friends! You know the old saying,
April showers bring May backpacks. Okay, so maybe that's not a saying. But right now May donors get TTW backpacks, and that's pretty good too. We're raising funds for the all new TTW Website 2.0, and to thank all of you who donate, we're sending out a brand new Through the Word backpack for every donation of
any amount in the month of May! How cool is that? All you have to do is
donate any amount here, and we'll send you one! Here's the details:
Snazzy new backpack you got there partner. |
The TTW Pack: The backpacks are the drawstring kind - nice and light, with an extra zipper pouch. They're great for carrying around a few extra items, and for telling lots of people about your favorite app! All you have to do is donate any amount in May - make sure we have your correct address - and will send it out to you.
TTW Website 2.0: We're raising funds to update the TTW website (throughtheword.org) so it will look and function like the new TTW 2.0 app. This is big! The new website will allow you to login to your TTW from any computer or mobile device, so you can use the app one day and a computer the next - and keep your progress and journals. You'll have the whole keyboard to type a journal, and there's one more thing that will be a game-changer for this ministry.
The Best Part: The TTW Website 2.0 will enable us to create a URL link for every chapter and every audio guide. That means that any time you use the Connect step, you'll be able to share a direct link to the audio guide that you just heard. That's a big deal. It means that your friends can listen to a message you liked without downloading the whole app. The new website will finally be mobile friendly, so they can click a link on mobile or laptop and go right to the audio and chapter you shared. We've been wanting this for a long time! Basically it equips you to reach your world - through the Word!
We're very excited about this. We're still improving the app (an iPhone X fix is coming soon!), but the website is our next big priority. There's still a bunch of design and programming ahead for us, so we're raising funds now and planning to launch the new website this summer. If you'd like to give, you can use this link:
https://app.mogiv.com/give/?oid=ttw or tap the donate button anytime on the app's main menu.
You can also donate by check at:
Through the Word
PO Box 303
Westminster, CA 92684
The backpack is free, and it's our way of saying thanks for making this amazing ministry possible. We love what get to do! We thank you and we thank God for you!
In Christ,
Pastor Kris